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Abacus(Soloban) Class 2022 Opens

Recruiting New Students 


Why Abacus? / What Age?

Abacus – special skill from Japan, Japanese people have been trained since “samurai era” – used by merchants to sell and buy goods or services(over 200 years ago). Children also learns numbers and mathematical skills by abacus.


Classes are delivered both online and in-person


Abacus is…

One of the three main parts of the human brain is calledthe cerebral hemisphere. The hemisphere is divided into twoareas. The right and left hemispheres of the brain performdifferent functions. In general, the left hemisphere isresponsible for processing information, while the right siderecords or retains information, such as images. When peopledo calculations, they are utilizing the left hemisphere. Mentalcalculation techniques require the use of the righthemisphere. Through instruction, our students are taught to”map” images, rather than to process each information (i.e.each digit) one at a time. Imaging techniques are also used in speed reading techniques. The advantage of abacus isthat it will train students to “map” images, rather than tosequentially process each information. Abacus raining willliterally introduce a whole new way of “looking” at numbers and other information. Mental calculations is not a magic.. all about training. Using an abacus helps activate both left and right brain.

Suitable age

We recommend children start from 5 years old (prefer to go to kindergarten), any children should be able to attend class 30 – 45 minutes total (will be few minutes break every 20min or so for small children)


For more detail, please contact below

Director / Instructor: Takayuki  Hatakeyama

Cell Phone#  (403) 667-5884

Email :