Donate for Community
Donate to HONOR the persons and families who came before us – they left their homes in Japan with hopes and dreams of a better future. They set up communities and began to become part of the fabric of Canada. They worked hard, overcoming many difficulties and challenges. In donating we recognize their resilience and determination and ensure their stories will never be lost.
Donate to preserve Japanese culture for future generations by helping them to understand and sustain Japanese customs and Japanese/Canadian history. Our children and grand children need a place they can be proud to be part of – a place where they can gather to continue their own stories and determine how the changes over the upcoming years will be told.
Donate for the development of a centre that will reflect Japanese heritage and the contributions that our community makes to enhance diversity in Calgary and Canada. People can gather to enjoy each others’ company, develop and maintain positive connections and engage in activities to enrich their lives. Within that context, all can gain a better understanding of our past and come together to establish the path forward to sustain and celebrate the future.
Legacy Project Fund-Raising

The Legacy project is not to build a static structure but to provide an environment which, in itself, reflects the thoughts and values of the Japanese culture and provides a space where the Japanese community in Calgary can thrive and grow for generations to come.
If you would like to make a donation to Legacy project, please contact
Donations in Kind
Donations of any amount are most gratefully accepted but there are other ways in which you can donate.
We would also appreciate donations of your TIME
Will you:
- share with us your time and expertise?
- offer your assistance by joining a committee?
- share your knowledge of managing projects?
- be a part of our membership drive and help the grow our membership?
- help us sustain community spirit as the Centre is being built?
How To Donate
We will gratefully accept your donations that may be given towards a specific program, event or purpose. If you don’t have a specific ‘target’ for your donation, we will accept your donation to be used where needed.
Make a donation by email
Please contact if you require further information.
* If the donation is made in memory of someone, please include their name in the email. We would like to let the family know a memoriam has been received.
Make a donation by cheque
Donations can be made by cheque made out to CJCA and mailed to: 2236 29 St SW Calgary, AB T3E 2K2
* If the donation is made in memory of someone, please include their name. We would like to let the family know a memoriam has been received.
Make a donation by e-transfer
e-transfer to our account at
* If the donation is made in memory of someone, please include their name in the comment section. We would like to let the family know a memoriam has been received.
*Please note that we will unfortunately not be able to provide you with a formal tax receipt, as we are not a registered charity.